Wow, halfway through January already! Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, I know we all did here, plenty of fishing, camping etc and now sadly the holidays are over and its back into it again for another year. I thought I would share a couple of my latest creations for my ebay store with you, strangely everything I have made in the last couple of days is food related, the Raspberry tote bag and then the cupcake cushions, I think it must be because I'm on a bit of a health kick trying to shed the few kilos I received for Christmas, I must be subconsciously have food on my mind, all those leftovers and fruitcake ( my fave ) certainly doesn't help ones I adored this gorgeous raspberry fabric and although I have an absolute closet full of fabric ( some would call it an addiction ) I just had to have it. I thought it would be nice on the lids of my homemade jam jars. My raspberries did terribly this year due to the strange weather I guess, the few I have been getting are quickly gobbled up by the kids, so sadly no raspberry jam this year. The plum trees have been good though so we will have plum jam at least. YUMM.
Have a nice day!
Have a nice day!