I love spots, even my horse has them..
Ive been spending a bit more time in the saddle than behind the sewing machine lately. I did manage to make this pretty patchwork bag the other day. I have so many scraps in my stash at the moment, I thought what better thing to make than a scrappy patchwork bag with some of my favourite pinks. Well one thing led to another and the moment I finished the bag I started on a new scrap quilt which I planned on making completely from my scrap stash, I love making scrap quilts and I cant tell you how many i have made as I have lost count, but I can tell you that no matter how hard I try to refrain from purchasing any more fabric I always weaken ( I havent yet, yippee ), there's always just that little bit of something missing. I have finished the top and am now in the process of quilting the 3 layers together and then of course there's the binding.. Strangely after completing the bag and the quilt top my stash looks not one teeny bit smaller, it could be that half a yard of pink roses that I just had to have or maybe the polka dots.