Monday, February 11, 2008


Look at all my pressies!!

Is this the sweetest gift ever, a gorgeous charm with a piccy of my sweet boys on their first day at school..

PS..Sneaky Julles tricked me into sending her this pic!!

Well what a day! I have just got home from the doctors after taking Jake who is now sleeping restlessly on the couch with a hell of an earache, poor little man...Middle ear infection..

Whilst out I dropped in to the post office to get my mail and to my great surprise and delight there was a parcel for me, nope not ebay I thought, hmmm what could it be... Inside the box were 2 beautiful cards, one from Shannon and the other from Jullie..There were also many gift wrapped parcels...ohhh the excitement! Each parcel had a different letter from the word FRIEND...Ohh you gals are naughty and oh so thoughtful!!

There was even a little barrel of Monkeys each for my boys!

What a lucky girl I am to have friends like these, and that goes for all the lovelies at the PC , your all gems ( with exquisite!

They did all this because my Secret Santa ran of with a


Alison Gibbs said...

Oh what lovely gifts.
Hope poor little Jake's ear is better soon.

S said...

Oh, how very sweet...what a lucky thing you are! :)

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Ahhhh!!! What lovely gifts!! Those two are just the sweetest arent' they!!


Cherrie, how lucky to have such sweet friends.
Coll :-}

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Happy Valentines Day Cherrie!!

Mom of 2 Roses said...

Beautiful!!! Jullie and Shannon are so good aren't they? I feel very lucky to know them and you so deserved this!
