Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lotus Flowers

These are so pretty I just had to share them.
We bought a beautiful Lotus plant a couple of years ago and popped it in out Dam, it has spread like wildfire and looks so lovely when in flower with its enormous pale pink flowers and big leaves which the frogs call home. The sound outside in summer is amazing, all different frog voices singing and croaking. My goats also like to nibble on the ones that grow close to the edge. My boys were swimming yesterday in the searing Melbourne heat and I asked them to swim out and pluck a few for me. Here they are..
Have a nice day!


Alison Gibbs said...

Cherrie how lovely the dam must look covered in those gorgeous flowers

Anonymous said...

Oh My they are so nice, what a different flower. Super Pretty. What a lovely site they must be to look out the window and see a dam full of those. Now I am jealous!!

No one is you ...& that's your power said...

Hi thanks for dropping in. Your blog is lovely. I love your quilt you made it is beautifull. Your painted chest and drawers is lovely. There is something wonderfull about doing up furniture yourself , especially when you give it an admiring glance! and think i did that!!.
Will save you to my faves
X Dominiqueps
those blossoms are so lovely

Mom of 2 Roses said...

They are beautiful!

Mary said...

Oh, what pretty flowers! And I love that Dixie Chicks song!

Rose of Sharon said...

Those flowers are so beautiful! What a lovely pond! You are so blessed. My husband and I have been praying that we can find a house out in the country. I really want to be in the middle of nature!

Your blog is so pretty! You should come over to my blog for a visit.

Happy Easter!

Hugs, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post...the shots are simply awesome....Hope you had wonderful Easter celebrations!

I am a bit too busy with my work now, which will continue, so couldn't visit your blog for sometime...anyway, I will check your other posts later whenever I will get the break.