Thought Id share a few piccies of our trip during the school holidays. We went to a friends sheep station in a place called Wilcannia N.S.W. The drought has really hit that town, its so very very dry and hot, the Darling river runs through the property, its not running at the moment though its just big water holes. You can walk across it in most places, so very sad. Ive taken a pic to show you just how empty it looks at the moment. They haven't had decent rain for such a long time. There was a storm on the Friday night, lots of thunder and lightning and a small amount of rain, I spent ages trying to get a shot of the lightning, I finally did, its not great but its something..
The fishing was still quite good, we caught a few Yellow Belly which the kids love to eat.
There were tiny gecko's hiding behind the bark in the trees so the boys had a great time playing with those.. On the way home there were stumpy tail lizards everywhere on the side of the road eating flowers, the kids made us stop and say hello to a couple..
It was an 11 hour drive so I loaded myself up with every craft magazine available and of course the latest Country Home Ideas. My head is spinning with ideas now i just don't know where to
Its lovely to get away but Ahh its nice to be home again..
Have a nice day!

Oh my goodness those are beautiful pictures. I love the sky and the lightening. It looks like the part of Texas I am from. I love it.
Love the pics! My Jake would have had the time of his life with the lizards...not so much me lol.
Siobhan xo
Beautiful photos Cherrie, the colours, subjects are fabulous, I felt as if I was reading a magazine.
I can't believe how dry they must be up there. Everything is all quite green here down in Victoria at the moment....things will change no doubt
Looks very Aussie and very dry! Love your photo of the lightening and that bush cow :) Peta xx
Awesome pictures!!! Thanks for sharing with all of us!! But I know what you mean about how good it feels like coming home too! Happy creating with all those ideas running around in your head!
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